Purpose : The indigenous phosphate solubilizing stored in peat soil as a carier is still a prospect as an
ingredient of biological fertilizer, so it still needs to review how the indigenus phosphate solubilizing area of
Tanjungsari, Sumedang worthy to be used as an ingredient Biological fertilizer.
Research Method : The experiment was conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture Univeritas Winaya Mukti with
the land type Andisol and the altitude of 850 m asL, carried out in March to June 2019. Environmental design
using random draft group combination repeated 3 times with treatment consists of 13 treatments that are a type of
phosphate solubilizing combined with a dose of peat soil carier. The data was analyzed further with Duncan’s test
at 5%.
Findings : Results showed that the Tanjungsari’s indigenus phosphate solubilizing with peat soil effect
on the Phosphate is available on the soil, Phosphate total domain, potato shoot root ratio, number of the
cropping bulbs, the weight of the tuber per plant and the weight per tuber, but has no effect on pH Soil,
bacterial population, cation exchange capacity soils and absorption Phosphate in plants.
Limitations : This research is done at medium place height where not the optimum altitude for potato.
Value : Phosphate solubilizing bacteria indigenous from Tanjungsari Sumedang with carrier materials
peat soil has the potential to be used organic fertilizer.