The huge gap bemeen actual and achievable yields in Ghana maize production threatens Ghana's household food security. Poor adoption of improved maize production technologies is often cited as the major cause of the low yields. This study examined the factors Influencing adoption ofimprovedproduction technologies by maize farmers in order to highlight the constraints and opportunities for improving adoption. Research Method : The data used were obtained through a cross-sectional survey of 576 maize farmers in Ghana using the structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and the muhinomial logit model were the methods of analysis employed. Findings : The results showed that adoption of production technologies is influenced by age, educational level, initial capital outlay agricultural extension contact group membership. availability• of ready maize market. access to credit experience in maize farming. land fragmentation and previous year price of make. For adoption of maizepaoduction technologies to be improved, technology dissemination programmes should target to literate farmers and farmers should be encouraged tojoin farmer groups. stakeholders should support maize,farmers with credit maize farmers should be provided with ready market and younger farmers should be encouraged to consider maize production as a business. Research Limitations The study focused on whether or not in general. maize farmers used production technologies. It presents limited information on specific technologies in difIerent agro-ecological zones. Originality/Value : This study provides insights into why especially some Ghanaian maize farmers adopt or do not adopt certain technological packages promoted by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the Albans,. of Food and AgrIcultiat (MOM) of Ghana.