Purpose : Pakistan is spending a large amount offoreign exchange on the import of edible oil every year. The present experiment was conducted to study the relationship between diffetent seed yield related tmits in advance lines of Brassica funceo developed through pedigree method ofplant breeding. The seed yield performance of these advance lines was also evaluated during the experiment Research Method : Twelve lines were grow: in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications during September 2016. All recommended cultural practices were used throughout the experiment. The data for plant height days to flowering, days to maturity, branches per plant, seeds per silique, seed yield per plot and oil% was collected. Findings: The correlation analysis revealed that seed yield perplot was highlyand significantly correlated with the number of branches per plant and seeds per siliqua. ZBJ-13006 & ZBJ-15009 produced significantly higher seed yield (2.21kg/ploo& (2.10kg/plot) respectively than the check variety AARI Canola.
Research limitations : Although the study was carefully carried out and reached its aim, environmental conditions were unavoidable limitations.
Originality/Value : The present study has clearly indicated the need for giving due weightage for the number of seeds per siliqua and the number of branches per plant for improving seed yield in Mustard.