Purchase intention is one of the prominent factors which effect on the purchasing
decision and is very vital to understand the purchase intention to understand the
customer behavior .Brand Equity impact differently on different types of fast moving
consumer goods under the different contexts. The main purpose of this research was
to identify the impact of brand equity on customers’ purchase intention towards germ
protection toilet soap brands in Sri Lankan context. Brand equity was used as the
independent variable and it was measured through brand loyalty, brand awareness,
brand association and perceived quality. Data were gathered from 360 respondents in
the Western Province of Sri Lanka though a survey questionnaire. A linear Multiple
Linear Regression Model was used to assess the degrees of impact from each brand
equity dimension on purchase customers’ intention towards gram protection toilet
soap brands. The research finding demonstrated that there is a positive and significant
impact of brand equity on customers’ purchase intention towards germ protection
toilet soap brands in Sri Lankan context. Perceived quality and brand loyalty were the
two key dimensions of the brand equity which impact on the customer’s purchase
intention towards germ protection toilet soap brands in Sri Lanka. Marketers need to
create appropriate marketing mix strategies to increase the perceived quality and gain
more customer loyalty to create brand equity for germ protection toilet soap brands.
Research findings underscore the existing body of knowledge about impact of brand
equity on customers’ purchase intention of fast moving consumer goods in Sri Lanka.