Include abstract with maximum of 300 words
English: Times New Roman, 12pt.
Green politics aim to achieve through social, economic and political norms to create a fair and a sustainable
society based on cooperation and democracy rather than the present inequality and exploitation. The
common misunderstanding held by majority is that Green Politics is about the environmentalism; but there
are four pillars: ecological wisdom, social justice, grassroots democracy and non-violence. Still Sri
Lanka is not drawn into building Green Political Party, even though there are ample opportunities available.
The main objective of this study is to review the general public’s awareness about the “Green Political
Party” concept and readiness of Sri Lankans to nominate Green Party members to the Parliament. For this
study qualitative and quantitative data were collected and primary data were collected from general public,
through questionnaires. The sample consists of 1105 persons from Western Province. Descriptive statistics
were used to analyze the data. Graphs and charts were utilized to presenting the results. According to the
results 84.25% are less aware of Green Political Party and 83.26%were willing to welcome such party.
24.71% known this concept through educational institutions, 37.36% through internet, 21.84% from their
peer groups and 16.09% from other sources. 32% of the people mentioned that internet is the best method
to give publicity, 22% and 16% respectively said that television and radio are good. 12% and 14% were
respectively mentioned that educational institutions and newspapers are the best modes. Lowest percentage
is from the other sources (Seminar) (1%) and the second lowest (3%) is from peer groups. Therefore, it
was concluded that there is a high possibility of pulling majority Sri
Lankans towards the crossroad of “Green Political Party” which could pave better Sri Lanka through
achieving sustainable goals to become middle income country. It is therefore recommended to form a
Green Political Party, through a vigorous public campaign with the collaboration of interested parties
either through public private partnerships or result oriented political entities.