The green consumer decisions are recently being discussed in Asian context. The
literature on green consumer decisions and purchase decisions recently focuses on the
Asian market and as a result it is being spread in the Sri Lankan context. Though
environmental consciousness in Sri Lankan consumers is observed in the literature,
purchase decision towards green electronic products is not yet clearly understood in
Western Province. Energy efficient electronic appliances or green electronic appliances
are purchased by a wide variety of customers in today’s context. As a trend people are
more conscious about environmental threats and willingly take steps to contribute to the
environmental protection. Present research measured the impact of factors, supporting
environmental protection, drive for environmental responsibility, environmental
friendliness of companies, social influence, perceived value, perceived quality identified
from literature and their influence onto the green electronic products purchase decisions
in Western Province. The research aimed to solve the issue of what are the factors
affecting the purchase decisions of green household electronics products in Western
Province? The research was carried out by using quantitative method and a
questionnaire was distributed among consumers who have purchased green electronic
appliances and who are willing to purchase green electronic appliances. 450 responses
were taken as the sample for the study. Correlation analysis and regression was
implemented to understand the impact between the independent factors and consumers’
green electronic products purchase decisions. Researcher found that green product
purchase decisions are dependent on supporting environmental protection, drive for
environmental responsibility, environmental friendliness of companies, and perceived
value. According to research findings, these factors significantly impact the green
electronic product purchase decisions of consumers in Western Province.