Majority of work–family conflict research has been taken place in
Western countries. Most of them have ignored the South Asian
context, which required further empirical evidences in other
cultural context. Thus, there was a need to study the relationship
between Work-Life Conflict and organizational commitment in the
Asian context; Sri Lanka. This study aims to investigate the impact
of work life conflict on organizational commitment of nurses in
public sector hospitals in Sri Lanka. Cross-sectional explanatory
descriptive study involving deductive approach is used. In this
quantitative study, a survey questionnaire was developed and data
collected from randomly selected 120 nurses of five public sector
hospitals in Matara district, Sri Lanka. Correlation and regression
analyses were used to predict and estimate the relationships. SPSS
version 20 was incorporated for data analysis. Results revealed
that both of family interference with work and work interference
with family have significant and negative effects on organizational
commitment. Family Interference with work dimension had more
impact than work interference with family on organizational
commitment of nurses in public sector hospitals. The present
study is very important as it contributes to the empirical literature
and extends the conversation by exploring work–family conflict
and organizational commitment in the Sri Lankan context. It was
recommended that work–life balance programs needs to be
introduced and provided for employees in order to reduce the
burden of work-family role conflict and induce commitment to
their jobs