Language teaching and learning is a complex mental and physical process which becomes
highly challenging in an atmosphere where the learner is abide with strenuous military training
designed to produce military leaders through a meticulous physical and mental transformation.
This case study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of the current ESL teaching methods
(English as a Second Language) used by the English instructors on the undergraduates of the
B.Sc Degree in Military Studies. The quantitative and qualitative study gathered the relevant
data by distributing a self administrated questionnaire among 50 undergraduates randomly selected, by conducting unstructured interviews and discussions with the target group and the
academic staff while incorporating experiences and observations of instructional staff and the
researcher. The information was presented in graphical illustrations by analysing key aspects
such as capability of ESL activities to cater for the learner’s ESL aspirations, utilization of language supportive facilities, usefulness of those resources, employment of Civil and Military
English instructors, the student-teacher ratio in the prevalent military background. Another important concern of the investigation is to study to what extent Malcolm S. Knowles’ Andragogy
and Krashen’s Second Language Acquisition Theory are applied in this military education process. The results suggest that the Cadets have a positive response towards ESL teaching methods
and the current education system which seemingly contains features of the pedagogy governed
education system. Some educational features such as distant relationship between the undergraduate and the military English Instructor, negative reinforcements, on-the-spot correction
techniques, individual differences, weak passion, aspiration, and learning responsibility, habit
formation, learned system, dependent personality, less incorporation of learner’s experiences
and grammar centric teaching methods, learning and teaching environment have negative impacts on the their SLA. In order to foster a supportive academic climate for the learners, the
study recommends a two way stream; either by making some adjustments to the present educational environment in terms of teaching methods, learning environment and the language
learner or by conducting the English curriculum in a non-military environment.