Workplace harassment is the threatening behavior directed at an individual worker or
a group of workers. Workplace harassment has become a popular topic among
professionals and researchers. Workplace harassment mainly consists of physical,
verbal, psychological, and sexual harassment. But the rise of harassment among
female apparel employees can be seen as a serious and sensitive topic that is not
talked about much nowadays. The purpose of this study is to find out the reasons for
the harassment among female employees in the apparel industry in Sri Lanka.
Accordingly, the research design of this research was semi-structured interviewed,
which collects quality data and conducts it using a qualitative research methodology.
Face-to-face interviews were conducted with female apparel employees selected from
the snowballing technique to gain an in-depth understanding of the causes of
harassment among female employees in Sri Lankan apparel industry. After coding the
results of the study, the researcher found 17 reasons for the harassment as interference
from a third party, doing the job well, neglect (non-surrender), related to clothes,
jealousy, family problems, receiving promotions, misunderstand, pressure from higher
levels, disbelief, arrogance, romantic relationships, to create distrust, surpassing the
other's, incompetency, education, and long service period. According to the research
findings are important in controlling the turnover, the reduction of absenteeism and
workplace conflicts, and the increase in job satisfaction of female employees in the
apparel industry in Sri Lanka. Under the basic guidelines of this research, the
problems caused by the increase in harassment among female garment workers can be
prevented. Organizing group activities that create a sense of unity and solidarity
among female employees. These problems can be evaded by implementing economic
and social empowerment programs for women workers and conducting counseling.
This study will lead future researchers to conduct further studies on harassment based
on gender. Based on this study, can be used as a guide to finding out the reasons for
not reporting harassment incidents.