Although there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that economic crisis is
a preeminent stressor that may worsen working conditions and there is a
greater chance to engage in bullying and harassments while exposing
individuals to negative acts at work, there is less literature in Sri Lankan
context and it is necessary to develop a theoretical model which suits to Sri
Lankan working environment with the use of existing literature. Thus, the
purpose of this study was to develop a conceptual framework for tackling the
workplace bullying and harassments in Public and Private sector
organizations, after COVID-19 global pandemic. This Study analyzed published
journal articles related to the workplace bullying and harassments in relation
to crisis situations. Based on the analysis of existing research findings, our
paper presents a framework on tackling the workplace bullying and
harassments just after the health crisis. The model includes an independent
variable (COVID-19 Pandemic), a mediating variable (organizational
orientation to employee welfare) and a dependent variable (workplace
bullying and harassments). The findings of this paper are unique and novel; as
no any other framework has been developed on the selected theme in Sri
Lankan context. As the next step of this study, the developed conceptual
framework is opened for testing in any type of organization in Sri Lanka. Both
public and private sector organizations can utilize this model to test their
employees working environment to ensure a safe and harassments free
working conditions to cope up with new normal condition after a health crisis