Sri Lanka exports about six million carats of gemstones worth rs 4000 miilion per year, of
which, over four million carats are calibrated stones and the balance is free sized stones.
The value of the free sized stones is about Rs 3600 million per year. The calibrated
stones require accurate dimensions and proportions, whereas free sized stones are cut
without paying much attention to the lustre and brilliance, which are essential properties of
gemstones. Sri Lankan lapidarists always optimize the weight of the stone than the
quality. Foreign gem traders almost always re-cut Sri Lankan cut and polished stones.
Advertisements still appear in international magazines making available " Sri Lankan cut
and polished stones suitable for re-cutting"
This paper discusses the importance of the quality of cutting, in order to enhance the
value of gemstones and also the possibility of expanding the gem industry by introducing
the use of ornamental stones.