Sugar cane plays a key role in the plant kingdom of the world. Sugar cane has become a lucrative crop that is cultivated in many pails of the world. The growth and the yield of the sugar cane is dependend upon several factors, such as environmental, cultural and mechanical factors. The higher quality of cane juice gives a good production of sugar. In terms of the soil its pH value., moisture level, soil structure, nutritional condition, temperature end the drainage o f the soil influence on the growth end yield o f the cane. In
addition, problems of pests and diseases, prosperous growth of weeds, natural factors including wild animals like elephants affect adversely on the cane cultivation. The suitable method of land preparation, planting system,irrigation methods, control of pest, diseases and weed, in the cultivation practise should be done in a time.
Considering the juice of cane, "Brix" and "Pol" values are the two important indicators used in the processing section and in tho quality management section. High percent of sugar is produced, if the "Brix" and "pol” values are more than 16 and 75 respectively. The cane feeding, milling,purification, evaporation, crystallization and bagging are the six major steps
in the manufacture of sugar.
The molasses, filter mud and bagasse are the 3 major by- products of the processing sugar. They are used for several purposes as fertilizer, fuel and the raw materia] for the production of alcoholic beverages.The laboratory analyses are of primary importance in the quality controlling achievements. Each and every stages of processing is tested in the
laboratory with the help of sampling to produce good quality of products.