Fruits are important nutritional requirements of human beings, as they contain higher
amount of vitamins and minerals, which improve the quality of the diet and maintain
good health. Therefore it is necessary to make them available for consumption
throughout the year in fresh or processed form.
Ready to Serve fruit drinks, which can be consumed immediately after opening
contain higher amount: of pulped Bruit particles. So the main problem associated in this
Ready to serve fruit drinks is cloudy or pulpy appearance. This cloudy or pulpy
appearance can be removed by clarification.
Clarification is the process of frail juice clearing. There are several methods
associated in clarification, such as enzymatic clarification, Clarification after heat
treatment and using of fining agents.
Clarification o f Bruit juice by heat treatment enhance the quality, gives better clarified
juice influence in flovour and taste and reduce the precipitation in fruit drink Precipitation is higher in banana RTS drinks than other drinks. Banana juice clarification by heat treatment is the most cheaper and convenient method.Banana fruit Juice & preserved by chemical preservatives like sodium metabisalphate as well as heat treatment. These preservatives are specifically added to prevent the deterioration or decomposition of product.