Paraphilic disorders refer to deviant sexual urges that negatively impact both the individual suffering from the disorder and society. Sri Lankan cinema has overlooked this theme until the production of Underpants Thief: Jangi Hora by Somaratne Dissanayake in 2021 and a paucity of research pertaining to the cinematic depiction of paraphilia in the domestic context can be seen. This paper attempts to critically analyses the cinematic depiction of paraphilic disorders in Underpants Thief, adopting a descriptive qualitative methodology. The analysis shows that paraphilic disorders are portrayed accurately to a certain extent. Yet, rather than demystifying the depiction of paraphilia problematizes and complicates paraphilic disorders The research concludes that the film accurately depicts the negative impact of paraphilic disorders of the protagonist’s life. Further, an ‘ideal’ reaction to paraphilic disorders is proposed by the film.