Ad-libitum and focal-animal behaviour sampling
was used to construct an ethogram for the
behaviour of Black Robin in the wild. The study
recorded 53 be- havioural events, in 12 acts
under five lypes of be- haviour (6 acts,29 events
of self-maintenance be- haviour; 2 acts,10 events
of locomotion behaviour; 2 acts, 6 events of
reproductive behaviour; 1 act, 3 events of
agonistic behaviour; and 5 events of the territorial
display). The behavioural acts described here
include foraging, elimination, shelter-seeking,
resting, cleaning, vocal communication, terrestrial
andaerial locomotion, defence, territorial display,
pair bonding, nest building, nidification, and the
ago- nistic act. The peculiar territorial display of
the spe- cies is recorded here, in detail, for the
first time. Courtship and mating acts could not be
recorded during the study period spanned out side
the peak of their breeding season.