Over the decades, the Green concept, Living Green, Sustainable consumption and Eco citizenship
have been discussed in every society in the world. Because, various environmental problems
instead Global Warming, Shortage of natural resources and Climate Changes warn human beings
to protect nature in order to protect themselves. Then Green Marketing concept is very popular in
the world, because this concept advocates to the world about the environmental sustainability. The
present study explores the impact of green marketing mix (4Ps) on the purchase intention of the
customers of Keells super outlets of Western Province in Sri Lanka. Key objectives of the research
are, to identify what extent the Keels Super outlets in western province in Sri Lanka process green
marketing Strategies and to identify the impact of green marketing strategies of Keels Super outlets
in western province in Sri Lanka on customer purchase intention of FMCG. The researcher has
used qualitative and quantitative (Mixed method) research methodology. The study has based on
deductive approach since it has developed hypothesis to test the relationship between green
marketing mix of Keells super outlets in western province and customer purchase intention. The
target population of this study is customers who are engaged in purchasing or willing to purchase
FMCG at least one time from Keels supermarkets. Sample size for the study is 280 customers who
are visited to Keels Super outlets in Western Province. A total of 126 responses were collected
through a self-administered questionnaire based on the convenience sampling approach. The
findings of the study indicated that there is a positive significant impact in between green products
and green promotions on customer purchase intention of Keells super outlets in Western Province.
Further the results revealed that there is no impact of green places on customer purchase intention
of Keells super outlets in Western province. Based on these findings, the academic and practical
implications are discussed in detail in the study. By considering limitations of the study, future
researchers are encouraged to consider the other green related factors which may affect the
customer purchase intention and should consider other mediating and moderating variables as well.