Physical Education (PE) teachers face the challenge of providing safe and relevant
fitness assessment strategies for their students. However, common
cardiorespiratory endurance tests like the step test and multi-stage fitness test
present concerns and dangers. These tests often lack equity and may lead to falls
or unsafe exercise levels. To address these issues, an alternative cardiorespiratory
endurance test, the Jumping Jacks Test (JJT), was developed and validated in this
study. The study employed a psychometric research design, involving content and
construct validity (convergent and discriminant), as well as reliability assessment.
Using purposive sampling, a panel of 10 PE professionals provided positive
feedback on the JJT's purpose, relevance, and practicality, making it suitable for
schools with limited resources. The test’s psychometric properties were assessed
using the Cooper Run Test for convergent validity and the Ruler Drop Reaction
Time Test for discriminant validity, participated by 10 Junior High School, 10
Senior High School, and 10 College students. The JJT achieved a content validity
index (CVI) of 1.00, indicating its effectiveness in measuring cardiorespiratory
endurance. PE professionals consistently rated the JJT as relevant and appropriate.
It showed strong convergence with the Cooper Run Test for Junior High School
(JHS) and Senior High School (SHS) students (ρ = .632), validating its effectiveness
for these age groups. While the correlation was weaker for college-level
participants, the JJT remained valid overall. The JJT demonstrated acceptable
discriminant validity (ρ = -0.23), distinguishing cardiorespiratory endurance from
reaction time. The JJT is a valid and reliable measure of cardiorespiratory
endurance for students. Its safety, simplicity, and efficiency make it suitable for
various age groups and fitness levels. The test's psychometric properties, including
its high CVI and stability reliability, further support its use in Physical Education
classes and fitness assessments. The JJT represents a valuable addition to the field,
benefiting students, PE teachers, fitness trainers, and researchers alike.