Show simple item record Kellur, S Sanganagouda, KM 2023-12-20T09:17:39Z 2023-12-20T09:17:39Z 2023-10
dc.identifier.issn 3021-6559
dc.description.abstract Physical activity (PA) plays a pivotal role in shaping both physical and mental health outcomes. Regular PA exerts beneficial effects on the onset and progression of a number of chronic diseases, well-being, and has a positive effect on communities and societies. Unfortunately, more than 60% of worldwide adults do not reach the recommended levels of PA. Studies highlight that individuals leading sedentary lifestyles experience heightened rates of morbidity and escalated healthcare expenses. General exercise contributes to an improved mood and an enhanced quality of life. Notably, physical exercise and practices like yoga have exhibited the potential to address cravings for substances, particularly in individuals lacking access to conventional therapies. Evidence also indicates that increased PA could potentially alleviate certain psychotic symptoms and address medical coexisting conditions accompanying psychotic disorders. It is notable that there's a paucity of literature in the Indian context, highlighting the demand for further research to assess and implement tailored interventions promoting PA suitable for the Indian milieu. In essence, PA stands as a cornerstone for both physical and mental health enhancement. Its role in curtailing chronic diseases, fostering well-being, and enriching communities cannot be understated. Addressing the prevailing concern of insufficient PA is imperative to curbing associated health risks and economic burdens. Furthermore, recognizing the symbiotic relationship between PA and mental health underscores its significance in enhancing the overall quality of life. Amidst this pursuit, it's evident that further research is vital to gauge the impact of PA interventions, especially in regions like India, where the context may demand unique strategies. As we propel forward, advocating for increased PA emerges as a fundamental prescription for a healthier society, both in body and mind. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka en_US
dc.subject Physical Activity en_US
dc.subject Health en_US
dc.subject Wellbeing en_US
dc.title Role of Physical Activity on Health and Well-Being en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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  • ICAS 2023 [81]
    International Conference on Applied Sports

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