Sri Lanka Journal of Economics, Statistics, and Information Management (SLJSSH) The international Journal, By the Department of Economics and Statistics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka Aims and Scope Sri Lanka Journal of Economics, Statistics and Information Management is an international open-access, peer-reviewed and refereed journal which is published by the Department of Economics and Statistics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. The journal provides academics, researchers, and professionals with a platform to share the latest developments and advances in Economics, Statistics, and Information Management. The journal attracts submissions from scholars focusing on theoretical, empirical, policy, and practitioner issues within the fields of Economics, Statistics, and Information Management. The journal's contents reflect its integrative approach including primary research articles, discussion of current issues, empirical studies, literature reviews, case studies, conceptual models, reports, and book reviews. All articles in this journal are subject to a rigorous blind peer-review process initially and are then reviewed by the editorial committee before final acceptance for publication.
All inquiries to be directed to: Editorial Office of the SLJESIM (Volume 01) Department of Economics and Statistics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Belihuloya, Sri Lanka Telephone: +94452280048 Email:
(c) 2022 Department of Economics and Statistics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka