The widespread stigma associated with mental illness creates a veil of difficulties over
the lives of individuals who experience it, creating barriers in a variety of domains such
as work, education, livelihood and particularly concerning their capacity to sustain
social ties. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify the disruption of social
connections of persons with mental illness due to stigmatization. This qualitative
research study was done in Colombo district, Western Province, Sri Lanka based on four
major hospitals with psychiatric units. According to judgmental sampling method 4
psychiatrists were selected, whereas according to convenience sampling method 100
caretakers were selected. Therefore, the selected sample comprised of 104 individuals.
The qualitative data was gathered by using in-depth interviews with the four
psychiatrists, while quantitative data was gathered by using questionnaires filled by the
100 caretakers. Qualitative data was analyzed by the use of thematic analysis and
quantitative data was evaluated through graphical representations such as bar graphs
and pir charts by using Microsoft Excel. According to the findings of this research, the
strength of family members works as a protective tool to reduce distress resulting from
mental illnesses. Stigma directed by external society was identified as a factor that
motivates self-stigma. However, the study identifies symptoms of mental illness to be
another factor that leads to the impairment of social connections. The study highlights
the significance of promoting awareness of mental illness as a means to reduce the
process if stigma experienced by people with mental illness. The main objective of the
research is to identify the possible impacts caused by social connections of persons with
mental illness due to stigma in order to strengthen social ties, providing a potential path
for the advancement of mental well-being.