The current primary school cohort, known as Generation Alpha and born after
2010, has extensive access to mobile devices and gaming. Using a uniform
teaching method might not be as effective, given the diverse individual learning
preferences present. Research shows that adaptive learning tailored to a student's
learning style (LS) can yield positive outcomes. Yet, conventional techniques for
identifying learning styles, like questionnaires and self-assessments, can be time
consuming and discouraging, especially for primary school students. The Felder
Silverman (FLSM) model, known for its effectiveness in technology-enhanced
and e-learning, comprises eight distinct learning dimensions. However, the
complexity of the FSLM questionnaire makes it impractical to directly apply the
same questionnaire in its original format to identify the learning styles of primary
school students. The objective of this study is to suggest a game-based activity
aimed at recognizing the Sequential/Global learning dimension in the FSLM
questionnaire. The proposed game activity involves a reading game that details
the step-by-step process of constructing a boat, segmented into ordered sections.
During this reading activity, students are tasked with recognizing the tools and
equipment utilized in various stages of the boat-building process. In the
subsequent level of the game, students are prompted to choose the suitable
materials for each phase of boat construction. Throughout the game, various in
game parameters such as activity completion time, active and idle time, sequence
of equipment selection, and correctness of equipment selection, will be gathered
while the student engages in gameplay. Initial findings suggest that the game
surpasses the original ILS questionnaire in terms of student interaction and
enthusiasm for completing LS activities, achieving an overall satisfaction rate of
87.5%. The in-game parameters are anticipated to be utilized within a fuzzy logic
system, streamlining the forecast of a student's sequential/global learning