Stress is a major phenomenon that exists in the organization. If stress is not
managed, there will be different consequences, such as a decrease in
organisational commitment, job satisfaction, job performance, employee
motivation and avoidance behaviour. The main purpose of this study is to see the
impact of individual and group-level stressors on the organizational commitment
of audit trainees. In addition to that, it examined the current level of stress and
organizational commitment of audit trainees and their prominent consequences
of stress. The quantitative approach under the positivistic research paradigm
was used to develop the study. The population of the study was audit trainees in
the Colombo district, and data for the study was based on 110 samples of audit
trainees in Colombo district. The simple random sampling technique was used
for sampling. In the descriptive data analysis, it found a 3.3136 value mean for
organizational commitment and a 2.7632 value mean for the current stress level
and under inferential data analysis, hypothesis testing was done using multiple
regression analysis. Work overload, lack of group cohesiveness, and lack of social
support can be considered the key stressors that created a significant impact on
organizational commitment, as their p-value is greater than 0.05 at the significant
level. Respondents faced negative consequences such as sleeplessness,
dissatisfaction, depression, forgetfulness, and blood pressure. Based on the
findings, it concluded that audit trainees in the Colombo district are able to
manage their stress in their job roles and are more committed to their work.
Accordingly, it indicates that there is a negative relationship between stressors
and organizational commitment.