Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka

Applying the ‘One-Stop-Shop’ Strategy for a Citizen-Centric Public Service Delivery in Sri Lanka: A Case Study of Magam Ruhunupura Administrative Building Complex

Show simple item record Kularathne, Mayuri 2025-01-21T09:45:32Z 2025-01-21T09:45:32Z 2024-10-24
dc.identifier.issn 2989-011x
dc.description.abstract The concept of 'citizen-centric public service delivery' has gained global attention, particularly through administrative reforms prioritizing citizens as the core of service provision. A notable strategy is the 'One-Stop-Shop' (OSS) model, recognized for optimizing service delivery and effectiveness. While many nations employ OSS through network integration, the Magam Ruhunupura Administrative Building Complex (MRABC) implements OSS by physically consolidating administrative offices into o location. Implementing such reforms is challenging due to the dynamic interplay between ecological and administrative systems. This study explores factors influenci OSS implementation at MRABC, emphasizing a citizen-centric approach. Using a qualitative case study method, it identifies the digital divide, traditional mindsets, a provisions for citizen-focused services as key receptive factors. Notably, factors seen as resistance in one context can become receptive depending on ecological and contextual variables. The findings underscore that no universal blueprint exists for OSS strategie instead, tailored approaches addressing citizens’ unique needs are crucial. Policymakers are urged to adopt innovative strategies like 'co-production' and 'co-design,' working collaboratively with citizens to enhance governance and public service effectiveness. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka en_US
dc.subject Citizen-centric Service Delivery en_US
dc.subject Co-production en_US
dc.subject One-Stop-Shop en_US
dc.subject Public Administrative Reforms en_US
dc.subject Whole of Governance en_US
dc.title Applying the ‘One-Stop-Shop’ Strategy for a Citizen-Centric Public Service Delivery in Sri Lanka: A Case Study of Magam Ruhunupura Administrative Building Complex en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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