dc.description.abstract |
1. Introduction
E-Government is a critical platform for connecting and providing services
to citizens globally. In developing countries like Sri Lanka, e-government
projects face challenges due to diverse social norms and technological
instability. This study explores the impact of social and technological
factors on e-government implementation. Addressing the lack of studies in
the Sri Lankan context, it offers recommendations to improve e-
government initiatives, benefiting government organizations and citizens.
2. Research Methodology
The research design followed a deductive approach, where hypotheses
derived from the previous theories and the studies. Positivism philosophy
was applied in this study. Primary data was collected using a self-
administered questionnaire, and a convenience sampling technique was
employed due to the challenges of reaching the target population and
compiling a complete list. The questionnaire was distributed among 367
top management level personnel work in district secretariats of western
province. Multiple regression analysis was used to prove the hypothesis.
3. Findings and Discussion
Findings reveal significant impacts of social (p = 0.048) and technological
factors (p = 0.000) on e-government implementation. Beta values were
0.111 for social and 0.371 for technological factors, with VIF values below
10, indicating no multicollinearity. These results align with previous
research, emphasizing the influence of social and technological aspects on
e-government success.
4. Conclusion and Implications
This study highlights the significant role of social and technological factors
in e-government implementation. Recommendations include awareness
and training programs for employees and the public to enhance
implementation success. The findings contribute to improving Sri Lanka’s
e-government initiatives and advancing knowledge on social and
technological challenges in e-government |
en_US |