dc.description.abstract |
The software and information technology (IT) sector of Bangladesh has been
rapidly growing in recent years, and the government has declared it as a thrust
subsector of its economy, targeting USD 5.00 billion in export earnings by 2025,
where the entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) plays a pivotal role. However, there is
a lack of explanatory studies on the relationship between the entrepreneurial
ecosystem (EE) and the internationalization of software and information
technology/services firms in Bangladesh. Based on this fact, this paper
how the entrepreneurial ecosystem influences the
internationalization of software and information services firms in Bangladesh
with a mediated moderation approach. The study was explanatory, where the
data was collected through a structured interview schedule. All the constructs
were developed following well-established and standard literature, and a 5-point
Likert scale was used. A total of 239 small and medium-sized software and
information services firms were interviewed, adapting the convenience sampling
technique. The structural equation modelling (SEM) technique based on the
partial least square (PLS) method was used to capture the influence of the
entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) on firms’ internationalization (INT),
incorporating the mediating variables like environmental munificence (EM) and
dynamic capabilities (DC) and the moderating variables like trade policy (TP)
and resource orchestration (RO) using the SMART PLS software. After
checking and satisfying all sorts of validity and reliability criteria of the
measurement model, the structural model of the study revealed that the
entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) has a statistically significant positive direct
effect on firms’ internationalization (EE->INT). Besides, it was also found that
there are statistically significant positive indirect effects of entrepreneurial
ecosystem on internationalization via environmental munificence (EM) and
dynamic capabilities (DC) (EE->EM->DC->INT; EE->EM->INT; and EE->DC
>INT), meaning that environmental munificence and dynamic capabilities play a
ecosystem and
internationalization. However, the moderating role of the trade policy (TP)
between the entrepreneurial ecosystem and internationalization (TPxEE->INT)and resource orchestration (RO) between dynamic capabilities (DC) and
internationalization (ROxDC->INT) was found to be insignificant. Therefore, the
study concludes that the entrepreneurial ecosystem influences the firms’
internationalization directly and indirectly through mediators like
environmental munificence and dynamic capabilities without any moderation
effects. Thus, the findings provide valuable insights specific to the
internationalization of Bangladesh's software and information services firms and
contribute to a broader understanding of how the entrepreneurial ecosystem
influences the internationalization of firms in other industries nationally and
globally. In addition, this study fulfils the need for an explanatory study on the
entrepreneurial ecosystem and internationalization of small and medium firms. |
en_US |